Principal's message

Dr Raghavendra Hegdekatte


M.Sc, Ph.D

“You have to grow from inside out, there is no other teacher but your own self” as stated by Swami Vivekananda, the MES Chaitanya Pre University College nurtures ‘growth and excellence’ of the students in every way possible to fit into the fast changing, fast progressing world. We are dedicated to provide catalytic impulses to every child to stretch his inherent learning competencies through a self-discovery process and child will be learning by doing as per NEP 2020

Of course, Education means awarding certificates or academic excellence. But in my view real education is to motivate and strengthen the students to be a lifelong learners, critical thinkers and productive members of the ever changing global society. This generation actually needs to learn about moral and ethical values more than their academic excellence.

As a Principal of MES Chaitanya Pre University College, I undertake the challenging task of molding the young impressionable mind into valuable ‘assets of the society, precious gift of mankind and pride of human race’. And all this is made possible by our worthy Founder Director G.M.Hegde Mulkhand, who is the exponent of MES Chaitanya Pre University College. It gives me great pleasure to express my deep sense of gratitude and respect to the Management as well. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the stakeholders, especially the parents for their unconditional trust and whole hearted support to us. Thereby, I extend my best wishes to all our students, staff, parents and Alumni.